Ok i really am trying to keep up with this whole blogging business...
Lets see, whats happened since i last posted something?
Well, i received my CRB thingymawotsit today, and turns out im not a criminal! (not that i thought it was going to say anything different! ;) )
i have emailed the QG lady for the county, and she has sent me a form i need to get filled in and sent off.
I have almost finished writing my personal statement for Uni applications (woop!), Best bit is it has only taken 2 bus rides to get the draft done, thats the hardest bit!
So, my life is being oddly organised so far, including handing in homeworks on time! (lets just say my subject statements were along the lines of, the work she has done on time has been to a high standard, however it is often not in on time! - however i am changing that!)
I was talking to my study skills tutor (a while back, admittedly) and he turned round to me (figuratively) and said - 'you've changed.' [fact], i was like how so? 'you have a different mentality to work, where-as before you would always give excuses, now you come up with ways to change it' It made me happy :)
and i have noticed a change... of sorts
although i can't say why or when i changed, i just have!
It's very odd!
Working on recent ish relevations...
one that could be taken either way, last friday my college guidance councilor thingy person... has said (and rightly so) that there is a lot of anger within me... and rightly so, although i don't think i had always recognised it for what it is.
But, tbh try picking between which parent to live with, when you are 14, and have just come back from an amazing day out! Tis not very easy... However living with the what if thought is the hardest part, not the making of the decision, but the consequences!
i feel like i should have a post which explains about Trich, and what it is to have it... although it is kinda interspersed (is that the right word?) with each post...
I shall do it in the morning! (and if i dont then poke me til i do ;) )
hell, i might even do it straight after this one! (i feel it deserves its own thread...)
Trich + me + today= ...
i have no idea why, but i feel uber pissed off... its really strange, like, nothing has actually happened to make me feel that way, its just... i am, and the worst part? Because i don't get whats caused it, i don't have a clue where to start to stop it! (o the irony of the last part of that sentance!)
It is kinda the story of trich - if you know why it started, u have a better base to work from to stop it, however if u don't have a clue why it started you are left, floating in the ether-net, waiting for an answer to chance across you!
right, i am afraid that is it for tonight, although promise to update tomorrow!
Wow that was one of those uber long ones that u dont plan, they just happen, and your fingers just keep wherring until u think, its 10 to 12 at night, i have college tomorrow, i should be asleep! (oops!)
Night y'all (sorry - read an amazing book - from house of night series- and now have country speak in me!)
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