Tuesday, 15 June 2010


i was going to get up at about half 8, shower and get ready, and get the 9.55 bus to Ely, then the 10.35 bus to Newmarket (thats a 5 min turn around time in Ely!).
(btw i feel i should add it doesn't take me over an hour to get ready, but it means i don't have to rush, and can be awake by the time i leave the house!)

So i wake up at 10.40... OOPS! (disaster 1)
realise i had no chance of making the 10.55 bus...
so ended up getting the 11.55 (yes, bus once an hour to where mums house is)
Firstly, i discovered having left the house that i had forgotten to put on my necklace (the first time i haven't worn it since i got it) - a celtic cross, £7.99 from argos (would post a pic but the website down!)- i am going to ask for a nice cross for my birthday/christmas... (disaster 2)
Bus turns up 10 minutes late (disaster 3), now usually i wouldn't mind being a little bit late, however when we got to Ely discovered that i had just missed my next bus, so i waited for 55minutes until the next one turned up - well the bus was already there, was waiting on the driver and it to be scheduled to leave...
Anyway, got the bus to newmarket, then went and met a friend who works at the bank, and we nattered for a bit :), then i went and got my address changed - at said bank, i always envisage it taking ages and being really awkward, and actually it takes seconds! (as long as u can remember ur address...) and i know i have done a change of address before, not that long ago, but shhh!
Then onto bus number 3 (which was the next one i could have caught after getting off the other bus... another 50ish minute wait!)
Got on that bus and got to dads...
so, lets review, leave mums at 11.50 (to get to bus stop) get all the next possible buses, and get to dads at about 3ish...
This is an Unimpressed face :|

However, an upside - when i am within the 'public eye' i do tend to completely refrain from pulling at all! Its not even as if i get the urges which i ignore - no urges to even run fingers over hair ends... :) so that makes me happy.
It's now just the mornings and evenings and when i'm alone that i need to look out for... :/
and again, being the evening... Grrr... why can't i just not do it? I mean, its not that hard to control what your arm/fingers do, is it? Evidently it is.

Right, i really need to go! i have to leave the house by 5.45 tomorrow AM... did i mention before that i'm a rowing cox? i might have.. anyway, yeah, we have an outing planned for 6am tomorrow... don't know if its going to be in the 4 or the 8, im guessing the 4 as 2 people can't row atm mid week, and we haven't heard anything from the 3rd, which leaves up with 7 people...

And on that bombshell... i shall leave u for another in-determined amount of time.

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