Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Bit of everything!

well well well
here we are again.
Me, sitting here typing, you, sitting there reading - i want to make some deep philosophical point but its too late now (will come back to it in the morning!)

Today - got up, went for a row/cox...
got annoyed at the man that 'looks after' Mr Asbo (swan - google him!). There's a huge debate happening between everyone that uses the river, and everyone who hasn't got a clue what he's like, have nothing to do with the river, and are willing to believe whatever rubbish the newspapers print!! grrr. anyway. We went out in the wooden boat - its well nice! its turns... :O (the only other 8 we have practiced in has a broken rudder...) We got back, (had some bacon sandwhiches), and i got a lift to dads house, i picked up my stuff, then got bus 1 to town, met a friend and had a hot chocolate (yum - was a HUGE one from costa...), got bus number 2 to town 2, then got 3rd bus back to mums. 3 hours on buses ish... o joy :|

The trich:
woke up and didnt pull at all until i got back from rowing :) Not quite sure what this means, but i shall take it as something good.
To balance this goodness out tho - i did have a mini relapse (most people call a relapse when they pull after a pull free period -my relapses are more, a pulling session which involves less control from me...) I now have 2 cuts under my armpits where ive tried to hard to get to hairs :/ Its not my best, but its definitely not my worst!
However - i also have got rid of my 'eyelash stubble' - so my lids are smooth again - its such a nice feeling running my hand over the smooth bit of skin, yet so much shame accompanies the feeling - it's so not worth it!

ok i am uber uber tired right now (something to do with 4 hours sleep last night?)
so i am going to go and quit while i am ahead (and havent mutilated myself too much through tiredness alone!)

ooo one more thing - we were talking about acronyms earlier on a guiding forum i am part of and i created a pic of one acronyms go wrong:TTFN :)

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