Thursday, 30 December 2010

New Years Resolutions!

It's that time of year again!
always seams to sneak up on you...

i remember at primary school and secondary school, and come to think of it last year at college - always being told to come up with your new years resolution
but surely if there is any chance of it sticking you shouldnt have to be forced to come up with it? and it shouldnt have to happen at one time of year!
but anyway... here are my new years resolutions... ish (tradition is tradition...)

1. Not to buy any chocolate all year
*note - i'm not being foolish and saying i won't eat any - just i won't buy it! It's nothing to do with being healthy - trying to save my money! ;)

2. Read the bible
All of it.
My youth group is going through it - we have the Soul Survivor copy so its the bible all jumbled up, but its still the bible :p

3. Stop being an uncontrollable Trichster.
Yes i'll admit it i dont mind the idea of being a trichster all my life, however i want to be able to control it... yes that may mean that i then technically wouldn't be a trichster but... ooo now im confused! *and bring the hands back to the keyboard* ...

I've confessed mine
and it is written
now i just have to do the hard bit - actually sticking to them!!!
Wish me luck ;)

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