Sunday, 3 April 2011

New Years Resolutions - how they are going so far!

1. Dont buy any chocolate:
although i do buy a considerable amount less! - but i realised that with the amount of sport i do i sometimes need the quick fix of chocolate to have enough sugar in me!

2. Read the Bible
Well... im currently on feb 18th - tho i was on feb 10th like 3 days ago, i am going for a catch-up! Many days spent reading on the bus... i am determined to keep this one at least!

3. Become less of an uncontrollable trichster
well, at times i have been alright - and then something will happen which ruins it! (gotta love the family -.- )
Its just so frustrating that if i go into a 'deep' pulling session there isn't the want to stop. this means that i just keep going - a couple of weeks ago i pulled for at least 3 hours - continuous :/ I can see now that that obviously isn't good/normal behavior, but at the time i just didn't care!

well that and partly i don't seam to have any idea of timing - i can't guess at how long 10 minutes is or anything like that - i am meant to go to study skills at college because they think that i have a problem with time management - which to me implies that i don't [in theory] know how best to spend my time effectively - but it is more that i don't know how long things take! for instance when i pull it can feel like 5 min and its actually been 30min, or it can feel like 10min and has only been 1min... i feel like that is the sort of thing i should say to them, however i don't think i would be able to explain it without bringing trich into it, and then that opens up a whole can of worms that i don't want to go into at college...

4 to do at least 1 blog per month!
i have created a new - new years resolution (ignore the time of year!) as yeah, i think it could lead to great things - if i actually stick at it! ;)